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We are the Anishinabek which translates both as the "good beings" and "lowered from above." This is the name we have called ourselves for millennia and is our living constitution and holds the Teaching of our Creation.


We the Anishinaabek; by calling ourselves this, we know that we are made up of the same minerals that were lowered to the Earth from the Star World where Creation molded Air, Fire, Water and Earth to create us. We are living beings of divinity.


We the Anishinabek hold ancestral knowledge that measures cycles of earth shifts and celestial movements we measure as time that is expressed in our Languages, Ceremonies and Sacred Sites. We know we have been on Earth for many of these Earth Cycles. Our Clan System was

given to use to Govern ourselves as a result of living out of balance in previous cycles of time.


This Clan System biologically connects us to a lineage of an original life giver where our own our Mothers give us Birth and a Family, Name, Language and Territory on Turtle Island.


Anishinabek is our Creation Story and Living Constitution which is the Supreme Law of the Land on Great Turtle Island.

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Article 1- Founding Provisions



1.1 We the Anishinabek are spiritual beings occupying a physical body as individuals that 


are organized by this Constitution; the Clan System as Families, Communities and 


Tribes of Anishinabek. This is the Supreme Law of the Land. 



1.2 We are interconnected and interdependent to the land. We were created out of the Star 


World and lowered from above and placed on this continent to become the 


Anishinabek. Our Country is made up of Tribe and Clan Territories known as 


Anishinabek Aki and is also recognized by other Nations we have Intertribal Treaties 





1.3 Anishinabemowiin and English are the official language of the Anishinabek. We 


acknowledge that through efforts of colonization Anishinabemowiin, our language was 


forbidden for generations of children to speak and was almost exterminated.


We make specific point that our current use of english as a common language does not 


obligate us to the occult etymological origins where this language has been and is 


being used in legalese for reasons of chicanery by Settler States and their Courts. 




ARTICLE 2 – E’Dbendaagzijig, Those Who Belong



2.1 Everyone who is born of an Anishinabe Mother is an Anishinaabe. A Child is given a


Spirit Name, Language and Clan. A Child follows their Father’s Clan/Family. Every Clan 


has a Winged, Fourlegged or Swimmer Representative as its Clan which has a 


Responsibility and Role. Everyone has a Spirit Name also which gives one direction and 


a role to fulfill. Free Will is a fundemental freedom that is respected and although each 


Clan has its own specific responsibility everyone has the freedom to follow other roles 


and responsibilities that their Spirit is drawn to that may not be of their Clan’s Role.



2.2 An Individual without a Clan can be adopted by into a Clan and Community and 


become a Member if recognized by other members of a Clan and the Community



ARTICLE 3 – 7 Grandfather/Grandmother Teachings:



3.1 These 7 Teachings are guidelines on how to fulfill Anishinaabe Mino Biimzadizin; a 


Good Life, and: Nibwaakaawin—Wisdom: Zaagi’idiwin—Love: Minaadendamowin—


Respect: Aakode’ewin—Bravery: Gwayakwaadiziwin—Honesty, Dabaadendiziwin—


Humility: Humility Debwewin—Truth.





Fundamental Rights and Freedoms



4.1 Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:


• (a) freedom of conscience and to spiritual belief system 


• (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press


and other media of communication;


• (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; 


• (d) freedom of association; Not to be held in servitude.



4.2 Life, liberty and security of the individual



(a) Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the individual and the right not to 


be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.


(b) Everyone has the right to Trade


(c) Everyone has a right to health and education


(d) Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.


(e) Everyone has the right not to be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned.


(f) Everyone has the right not to be subjected to any cruel and unusual treatment or 





(g) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal 


protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination.


(h) Anyone whose rights or freedoms have been infringed or denied may apply for a 


restorative justice circle made up of a collective of Clan Mothers to obtain such remedy 


as the circle considers appropriate and just in the circumstances.



Article 5 – Structure of Governance



5.1 Clan Leadership: An extended family group with specific roles and responsibilities. The


Characteristic of each Clan are designated with Roles and Responsibilities to the 


Confederacy of Clans of the Anishinabek.



(a) Each Clan will have a Woman’s Council who will select a head Clan Mother. A Clan


Mother will be a Grandmother who is the eldest woman within a Family who has a 


strong knowledge of the Family, history, language, ceremonies and laws. A Clan Mother 


helps choose a Clan Headmen to speak for the Clan as a Diplomat.



(b) Ogema: A Male Ogema for each Clan will be selected by a Clan Mother and group of


Grandmothers who are from the same Clan.



(c) Each Clan Council shall consist of a Women Council, Mens Council and Youth 


Council, and any other officials democratically elected by the People for a period of 


renewal every Four years. The Clan Council acts through its Council in exercising its 


rights, powers, and privileges and in carrying out its duties, functions, and obligations. 


Conduct of Individuals Elected to Office. The Clan Council shall conduct all affairs of 


the First Nation in accordance with the Clan Council Fires laws of governance and 





Article 6- Clans Roles



6.1 (a) International Relations and Nation Building because they are said to be echo 


makers, the most vocal that are heard are the Crane, Hawk, Bald Eagle, Golden Eagle 


and Thunderbird Clans. These Clans observe the outside world and are known as the 


External Chief.



(b) The responsibility for Internal/Domestic Affairs and Communications, facilitating and


organizing all internal/domestic issues are the Loon, Goose, Duck, Snipe, Raven, 


Kingfisher Clans. These Clans are known for their voice as they fly around or dive and 


see the happenings inside the water in this way they are known as the Inside Chief. 


These Clans also must know the roles of the other Clans.



(c) The responsibility for Justice settling disputes between the Chiefs and People and 


who are considered our Intellectuals are the Water Clans; the Pike, Catfish, Sturgeon, 


Otter, Sucker, Mud Turtle, Painted Turtle, Snapping Turtle, Frog, Snake, Mermaid Clans.


These Clans are astrologers who watch the sky and have the knowledge of the sun, 


stars and moon to predict events here on earth. In this way the Fish Clan hold the 


intelligence and are the peoples philosophers. They are also advisers to the Chief Clans 


and help solve problems of the Nation. In this modern time we add on Finance and 


Treasury to this responsibility.



(d) The responsibility for implementing protocols, community patrol and known as the


medicine people is the Bear Clan. They are known to protect with ferocity, to be short 


tempered and live on the outside of the village to ensure the safety. This Clan was so 


big at one time that it was divided up into sub clans from various parts representing the 


Bear. This Clan is also our medicine people for they know the healing ways of the 


plants. Their duty is to implement community patrols, protocol implementation, and 


organizing ceremonies and healing and wellness.



(e) The responsibility for a national defence, emergency response and preparedness are 


the Wolf, Lynx, Martin, Beaver, Otter, Fox who are the Warrior Societies. These Clans 


are known to be master strategists, organizers and planners and also known for their 


fierceness, loyalty and bravery.



(f) The responsibility to ensure we are well stocked in food, arms, resources and plans 


of action are the Moose, Elk, Caribou, Deer, Buffalo Clans. These Clans are known for


resourcefulness, kindness, artistry and being poetic in nature. They are creative and 


make music, stories, art, games, using colours and making beautiful things. For these 


reasons they serve a responsibility to Social Aspects, Entertainment and Wellbeing.



(g) The responsibility of teaching and carrying on spirituality as well as looking after 


seeds and gardening are the Bird Clans. They are known to predict the future. There are 


different types of birds in this clan such as waterfowl, land fowl.



6.3 Clan Council Fire: An Autonomous Community of three or more Clans tied historically to


a Head Clan Territory. The Head Clan has the underlying title of its Clan Territory. Each 


Clan Council Fire will consist of a Woman’s Council, Mens Council and Youth Council.



(a) We have always lived in small Clan Groups and not as one central government in 


which the delegation of internal governance of each Clan Council Fire and 


administration falls under the jurisdiction of each Clan Council Fire’s Laws.



6.4 Confederacy of Clans Grand Council: A confederated assembly of Clans. This


Confederacy will meet regularly to continue this living Constitution through Ceremony 


and conduct affairs of the Nation.



6.5 Central Organizing Committee for ACTION; The Central Organizing Committee will


serve to help establish our Clan Council Fires, Confederacy of Clans by Organizing


Headquarters throughout our Territories and establishing Ministry Departments. These 


will be Community Organizers dedicated to rebuilding our Nation. Each Community or 


Territory will have an Organizer to sit on this Central Committee.



6.6 In the event of a conflict or inconsistency between this constitution and any Clan


Council Fire’s law or regulation, the Constitution shall prevail to the extent of the 





7.1 Delegation of Authority for Clan Council Fires



A Clan Council Fire has the inherent right of governance and may pass laws with 


respect to the following matters, including:



(a) Our governance structures including the selection of leadership and the delegation 


of jurisdiction or authority;


(b) The preservation and maintenance of our land, water, air and other natural 




(c) Education


(d) Economic development


(e) Social services including child welfare, guardianship and adoption;


(f) Administration of justice


(g) Health


(h) Lands and resource management;


(i) Labour relations


(j) Employment and training;


(k) Marriages/Divorces


(l) Public works and infrastructure;


(m) Wills and estates;


(n) Emergency preparedness;


(o) Environment protection and assessment


(p) other areas approved by the Community.


7.2 Law-Making Process



You can amend this process to match the process that your Clan Council Fire uses to 


make laws or codes. A draft law may be introduced at a regular meeting of the Clan 





a) by the Clan mothers


b) by a Headman


c) by a petition signed by 50% plus 1 of Clan Members who support the proposed draft 


law; or,


d) by a duly formed and recognized Public Institution of the People



7.3 A draft law shall be enacted through the law-making process set out below: a) the law is


introduced and considered by the Council in accordance with its rules; b) the law has 


been passed by at least a simple majority of the Council who vote on proposed law to 


vote in favour of the law; and, c) the law has been signed by Council, in accordance 


with its rules.



7.4 The Council will establish rules to allow Clan Members participation and consultation in


its law-making process.



7.5 The Council shall establish rules regarding the process and timelines for the enactment,


coming into force, and publication for the Community





8.1 Establishment of Public Institutions



(a) The Clan Council may establish Public Institutions, in accordance with its laws, to


perform functions of its government, as determined by the Council.





9.1 Principles of Financial Administration


The Clan Council expects the financial management and administration of the Council 


Fire to:


a) be prudent, open, and accountable; and,


b) provide for effective and efficient use of the financial resources of the Council Fire.



9.2 Control of Financial Administration


The Community has the right to access information on matters dealing with the


financial management and administration of all the Clans services and 


programs, excluding information related to personnel matters and any other confidential 


personal information.



(a) The Clan Council and Community administration shall abide by the Clan Council 


laws and policies governing financial management, accountability and access to 




(b) The Clan Council shall make laws to establish a system of financial administration,


through which the Council will be financially accountable to Clan Council Members



10.1 Constitutional Amendment


This constitution was ratified by the Citizens of the Anishinabe Community of said


Council Fire in accordance with the ratification process selected and approved by the 


Clan Council. This constitution may be amended by following the accepted process to 


do so. 



11. Delegated Issues of the Confederacy of Clan Council Fires.



• Birth Registry, Vital Statistics, Membership, Census.


•  The Regulation of Trade and Commerce. 


  • The raising of Money by any Mode or System of Trade


  • Postal Service.


  • National Defence.


  • The fixing of and providing for the Salaries and Allowances of Council and Confederacy


    and other Officers of the Confederacy of Clan Chiefs and Council Fires


Water Ways Protection


  • Confederacy Constitution


  • Currency.


  • Banking, Incorporation of Banks, and the use of Paper Money or Digital Currency.


  • Diplomacy


  • Administration of Justice. Council Fire Restorative Justice Courts. Crown- Council Fire




  • Decolonization from Indian Act and Bureau of Indian Affairs. The Establishment,


       Maintenance and Transfer from Indian Act to Clan Council Fire. Elections.

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