Code of Ethics
Anishinaabek Confederacy Grand Council Fire and Autonomous Council Fires subscribes to the following principles:
We are a community-directed organization, our National Organizing Committee, Grand Council Fire and Member Council Fires aims and objectives are consistent with our Anishinaabek Great Law, the Clan System.
We first and foremost respect and honour our Constitution; the Clan System, our Seven Grandfather Teachings, Spirituality and Values and act with humility and dignity that this heritage and lineage demands.
We are committed to decolonization in all aspects of our communities where we are working towards removing ourselves from such institutions where the Global Citizen is being held in servitude to play the role of the legal person, a corporation. It is within this international legal system also known as maritime law, the law of water that forces us into economic enslavement to act as a debtor, that extinguishes our birth right to our lands and the wealth created from the resources. This system exploits labour, our lands and is destroying our Planet. We are committed to reconstituting our Law of the Land within our Territories.
We commit to unlearning the behaviours that many of our people still carry that has been instilled through our collective experience with genocide, loss of territory, residential schools and other assimilation policies enforced on us by the Canadian and American State. This means we also must distance ourselves from Indian Act and BIA Tribal Councils, Government Funded Indigenous Organizations that administer Government Programs, Services and Policies for funding.
We recognize that Decolonization is a process and we all are on various levels and recognize the importance of supporting each other however for the integrity of our Council Fires to remain strongly burning we will ensure with a code of conduct and dispute resolution mechanisms that we are accountable to our vision, each other, our community and allies.
We are tolerant to diversity, forthright in expressing our views on particular issues and respectful of the opinions of other Indigenous Nations, Collectives and Indigenous groups even though they may disagree. We are inclusive of our relations within the LGBTQ2S community and make conscious efforts to provide safe space for everyone.
Our Grand Council Fire and Autonomous Council Fires will bring any grievances, comments or complaints relating to our Councils, Executives Organizing Committee and or any of our committee’s and volunteers to the attention of our Council Fires.
We commit to work in a cooperative manner with other Indigenous organizations and groups and non-Indigenous organizations and groups who share the same values. We offer equal opportunity for participation, tolerance towards differences, and has respect for all living things.
Our members and representatives must honour and respect the commitments of ACTION and towards our Constitution.
All Representatives of Grand Council Fire, Autonomous Council Fires and Central Organizing Committee’s are responsible for observing the code of conduct.
The Clan Mothers of a Council Fire are responsible for taking and resolving complaints that violate this code of conduct.
Unacceptable Conduct of Behaviour:
Possession, consumption, or use of alcoholic beverages or illegal substances while representing ACTION, Grand Council or Autonomous Council Fires and Central Organizing Committee. This includes at any events, actions and online.
Theft or misappropriation of funds
Accepting gifts, favours or gratuities from firms, organizations, agents, employees, community members or other individuals who may or do collaborative efforts with ACTION with a dollar value in excess of $100,00 per item;
Breach of Confidentiality.
Poor Public Relations
Inability to carry out assignments and responsibilities
Lack of Confidentiality
No abusive and unwelcome conduct or comment undertaken or made on the basis of sex, including pregnancy, the possibility of pregnancy, or circumstances related to pregnancy, gender-determined characteristics, or sexual orientation, or unwanted sexual advances.
No gestures that provoke fear, embarrassments or intended to otherwise intimidate, defile or undermine an individual
Gossiping or spreading rumours; and acting in a rude or unprofessional manner when dealing with an individual
Holding positions in Indian Act band councils, their administrations, and or other political entities and organizations that administer Government Policies and Programs that counteract the principles of ACTION and our Council Fires.
It is the policy of ACTION to be patient, fair and tolerant in the administration of its
representatives, and to encourage representatives to exercise self-discipline at all times in
their conduct and performance. However, willful or inexcusable breaches of this code of conduct are not acceptable and shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of this
Statement of Policy.
Depending on the severity of the concern and the number of past occurrences,
disciplinary action may call for any of these corrective steps -- informal counselling,
verbal warning, written warning, suspension with or termination of position.
The purpose of this policy is to encourage consistent self-discipline and
corrective action in the event of undesirable or unacceptable conduct, behaviour,
or violations of policies, procedures or standard practices.
Volunteers, Coordinators, Clan Mothers, Headmen:
Volunteers, Coordinators, Clan Mothers, Headmen are responsible for performing their work in a competent manner and displaying conduct and behaviour that is consistent with our 7 Grand Father Teachings and Principles,.
Central Organizing Committee Coordinators:
The Executive Director/Program Manager is responsible for training, counselling,
and coaching employees to understand the expectations of UNFC, and the
improvements that are necessary to achieve the desired level of performance
and/or behaviour.
The Executive Director/Program Manager is responsible for ensuring employees
are treated fairly, with dignity and respect, and for ensuring that employees have
been provided with appropriate coaching and assistance throughout the
discipline process.
The Executive Director/Program Manager is responsible for ensuring this policy
is applied objectively, promptly, and consistently to all employees and throughout
the discipline process and in the application of the procedures outlined herein.
Discipline may be administered at any time when an incident or developing pattern of behaviour creates a serious concern for the Executive Director/Program Manager. Discipline may be administered in the form of informal counselling or formal discipline. Any informal counselling or formal discipline shall be administered as soon as possible (within 24 hours) after the facts giving rise to the discipline become known to the Executive Director/Program Manager.
Informal Counselling:
When an incident occurs that warrants informal counselling under this policy, the Central Organizing Committee Coordinator or an Autonomous Council Fires Coordinator shall bring the incident to the individuals attention, as soon as the facts giving rise to the incident become known. The Coordinator(s) and the individual should discuss the concerns and agree on a corrective action plan, if necessary. The Coordinator(s) is expected to follow-up with the individual to ensure the corrective action plan is effective and the desired results are achieved. If the desired changes or results are not achieved after a reasonable period of time, then a formal discipline step may be implemented.
Formal Accountability:
(a)Verbal Warning: This formal step usually occurs when informal counselling has not produced the required results; or a situation has become progressively worse with respect to the same concern or another unrelated, but cumulative situation.
Individuals actions giving rise to a verbal warning must be investigated and documented by the Coordinator(s) and then be brought to the attention of the individual. The documented facts are useful in preventing misinterpretation and are used in establishing the standard of performance and/or behaviour that is expected.
The Coordinator(s) is required to keep a record of all verbal warnings that are issued.
(b) Written Warning: Written warnings are considered a severe discipline action and are usually issued after verbal warnings have failed to correct a concern; or, the situation warrants discipline that is more severe than informal counselling or a verbal warning.
Prior to issuing a written warning, the Coordinator(s) shall document all pertinent facts related to the incident. A written warning shall contain a full description of the facts giving rise to the warning and include the date, time and place of the incident(s). Upon issuing a written warning a corrective action plan which outlines the improvement(s) required and the time frame within which the improvement(s) are to be achieved shall be developed. Whenever possible, the corrective action plan would be mutually acceptable to and be signed by both parties. A copy of the written corrective action plan shall be provided to the employee. A follow-up meeting should be scheduled no later than thirty (30) days following the date on which the written warning and corrective action plan is issued.
If, in the opinion of the Coordinator(s) a written warning fails to correct the concern, more severe discipline action may be required, including progression to a higher level of involvement, and may also include advising the employee that failure to correct shortcomings could place the employee's continued employment at risk.
(c)Disciplinary Suspension:
Suspension from duty may occur only after the written warning discipline step has failed to correct the situation and the individual has been properly advised that a suspension may occur if shortcomings are not corrected. Disciplinary suspensions may also occur, without prior warnings, if the suspension is administered because of unacceptable conduct or behaviour.
(i)Discharge may occur only after the formal discipline steps have been exhausted or the investigation of an immediate suspension is deemed to warrant such action. The decision to discharge an individual for any reason, must be properly documented and approved, in
advance by the Board of Directors.
(e) Complaint on Coordinators: If the Coordinator(s) violate the code of conduct, then complaints need to be made to the Clan Mothers Council.