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Republished from a previous article on the Site

By: Johnny Hawk

"Wenonah" in Anishinabemowiin means "The One who Breast Feeds" where she was the daughter of Nookomis- Grandmother. Wenonah was taken advantaged by "Epigishmook" the West Wind four times and conceived. Wenonah was the Mother of Mudjekawis, Pukawiis, Jibayabooz and Nanabush. "Doodem" also in our language means "The Heart of which we belong" in reference to our Family/Clan which is also a word use we for Mother. "Doodosh" is female breast and "Doodoshabo" is the "breast milk" that nourishes us.

Many Anishinabek believe we follow our Father's Clan yet our language and our stories exemplify that we are a matrilineal people where we must take a deeper look and question how from the effects of on going colonialism we suppress our own power as a Nation.

Women are the most synchronized with the harmonic resonance of Mother Earth who maintain a balance with the Earth where this sacred feminine energy is true power and natural law. Before Colonialism reached the shores of Turtle Island genocidal acts upon women in Europe through "witch hunts" sanctioned by the church sought to suppress this power where today this ongoing war is being waged on women of Turtle Island as well as the earth ultimately where man can claim power and have control over the Earth and its people.

The following exemplifies how the colonial structures are very much the systematic leading cause of these genocidal acts that have been initiated from the collective fraternity of the Vatican, Crown, Governments, Corporations, Military and Police.

Police altercation with First Nations girl in Kenora caught on video weeks before her death

The parents of a 14-year-old from Grassy Narrows First Nation are releasing a video of an altercation between provincial police and their daughter in the weeks before her death.

Azraya Kokopenace disappeared on April 15 after provincial police dropped her off at the hospital in Kenora, Ont. Police won't say why they picked her up. The teen was last seen leaving the hospital, alone, late at night, according to police. She was found dead two days later in the woods nearby.

The coroner's office is continuing its investigation into the circumstances surrounding Kokopenace's death and says it could take months to complete. Here is the link for the video.

Mother of Delaine Copenance beleives she was murdered

Stories of RCMP officers allegedly forcing women into sex acts, and physically assaulting them in Val-d'Or, Quebec

The Experiences of Jack Cram and Renate Andres-Auger

In 1994, while fighting a land claim, aboriginal lawyer and activist, Renate Andres-Auger, was dragged out of a courtroom kicking and screaming. She made an explosive claim following an investigation that was backed up by her own lawyer, Jack Cram.

Andres-Auger passed away last year, but Cram is still alive and allegedly as tight-lipped as a mute. He lives somewhere in BC's mainland and won't talk about the allegations he and Andres-Auger made in court in 1994. Both of their lives were ruined by what they allegedly uncovered through their own investigations.

Andres-Auger and Cram produced evidence which they allege implicated two BC Supreme Court judges and members of the Law Society in a conspiracy to protect pedophiles. The evidence was a series of photos, eye-witness accounts and documents that supposedly proved the involvement of lawyers, judges and political figures in a pedophile ring operating out of an exclusive and prestigious club in downtown Vancouver.

None of Cram and Andres-Auger findings were ever released to the public, making their claims no more valuable than a rumour. The only things we know to be true, without a doubt, are that both Andres-Auger and Cram were dragged out of a courtroom, disbarred and discredited for their allegations and their pursuit of a potentially corrupt land claim.

The story of Andres-Auger and Cram is worth a look, considering they never had an opportunity to defend themselves in court or in the court of public opinion. Their allegations have often been brushed aside as outlandish conspiracy theories and Cram has been publicly accused of suffering from mental illness.

Andres-Auger and her allegations about child sex trafficking are mentioned in Earth Into Property: Colonization, Decolonization, And Capitalism, by Anthony J. Hall, as they were described by Jennifer Wade of Amnesty International in Vancouver:

"The sex trade in children is not a recent happening in Vancouver. While doing some research for this presentation, I came across the affidavit of a Cree lawyer named Renate Andres-Auger naming prominent legal personalities and the B.C. Law Society for destroying her legal practice and libeling and slandering her (I have a copy of that affidavit listing prominent plaintiffs with me). Renate Auger alleged this happened partly because of her knowledge of pedophile rings operating out of the Vancouver Club."
-Jennifer Wade

Chief Justices & Corrupt Chiefs: Partners in Crime?

In 1999, one independent BC interior newspaper, The Radical, did report on allegations of an organized sex trade in the Prince George area involving judges, doctors, police, and even band councils. The paper was forced to close down after one of the accused- Ed John, a long time chief of the Tl'azt'en band (near Prince George) and head of the First Nations Summit- launched a lawsuit. Ironically, Ed John was named minister of Child and Family Services in November 2000, just as the allegations against him were becoming public.

For those involved in exposing Ed John and others, his appointment as an un-elected minister "brought to light the extent of official protection of pedophiles in public office and the systemic nature of this crime" (Evidence of crimes against aboriginal children, including pedophilia, Hidden from History.

Harrient Nahanee being arrested for protecting Sacred Mountain
Eagle Ridge Bluffs 2007 Harrient Nahanee arrested for protecting Lands

These allegations have been echoed by others over the years, including Squamish elder Harriet Nahanee, who has stated that she saw young Native girls being removed from the reserve to serve as prostitutes for wealthy business men connected to the Vancouver Club. James Craven a Blackfoot and constitutional lawyer has corroborated this story and stated

" It has been alleged with considerable supporting evidence that some of the same forces involved in trafficking young Indian Boys and Girls for the rich and powerful pedophiles are also involved in key aspects of the BC Treaty Commission as well as being involved in using isolated reserves for the landing and distribution of drugs." ("Reprisals due to exposure of pedophile ring." Statement by James Craven, Aug 3, 1998)

In 2019 Ed John was charged in B.C with 4 Counts of sex assault dating back to 1974. The Trial is set in a BC Court for summer of 2022.

- In 2005 former RCMP officer Gary Stevens plead guilty to sexual assault of an underage Indigenous girl. The allegations were first made in April 2004 when Stevens was a member of the RCMP's Kitmat BC, detachment

- In 2005 two RCMP officers were suspended during an investigation into allegations they were buying sex from young prostitutes in Prince George BC. Lee Lakeman a spokesperson for the Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres stated that this was " just the tip of the iceberg" "referring to Judge David Ramsey"

- In May 2004, David Ramsey a BC Provincial Court Judge pleaded guilty to buying sex from and assaulting 4 Indigenous girls aged 12, 14, 15 and 16. These attacks happened in 1992 and 2001. Ramsey was not removed until 2002

Something Darker?

Winnipeg Manitoba is also an epi centre for Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and also is the heart of Turtle Island. The Manitoba Legislature is covered with Free Mason Occult Symbolism. The bottom has a place known as the Pool of the Black Star. The Black Star in occultism refers to Saturn in which also Satan is also the personified deity.

Pool of the Black Star at Manitoba Legislature origins from Occult Babylonian Ritualistic Sacrifices

It is no Conspiracy Theory that Political Elite, Police Agencies, Governments and the Church played a role in the abduction, physical and sexual abuse of Indigenous Children in relation to Residential School in which many unmarked graves are now being uncovered. Some Grassroots feel there is a connection of why some Political Elites and Police agencies are not allowed to be investigated in the MMIW Inquiry and feel there is a link on the dark occultism and fraternal orders of the Political Elites, Police Brotherhood.

In an old guidebook to the building titled The Legislative Building of Manitoba published in 1925 and written by Thomas W. Leslie it referenced human sacrifices in a setting such as this in the ancient world, complete with an altar, white-robed worshippers, a victim, a curved knife, and blood trickling through the veins of marble; Interesting for a guide to a building where elected lawmakers work.


By Johnny Hawke

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission as part of the 2005 Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement was implemented to rectify the relationship between Canada and First Nations however any meaningful attempt cannot happen without Canadians first addressing their own ongoing colonialism where a foreign monarch sits as Head of State.

In June 2015, the TRC released an executive summary of its findings along with 94 "calls to action" regarding reconciliation between Canadians and Indigenous Peoples. The TRC emphasizes that it has a priority of displaying the impacts of the residential schools to the Canadians who have been kept in the dark from these matters.

The legacy of Canada’s Residential Schools is not the only history where citizens have been kept in the dark by Canada. The political legal status of Canada is an oxymoron expressed as a Constitutional Monarchy and is a major issue requiring immediate education to the Canadian population if the Rule of Law is valued in a free and self determined Nation.

An article titled Royal backlash and a colonial reckoning colour the Queen's Platinum Jubilee published in The Conversation on April 19, 2022 exemplifies that even Academics need to reexamine what they fail to talk about in academia.

The Conversation is an international academic journal where the said article was written by Dr. Catherine Ellis; As an Associate Professor in the Department of History at Toronton Metropolitan University formerly Ryerson University. Ellis also holds a DPhil in modern British history from Oxford University and states in the publication;

“Commonwealth countries, such as Canada, have replaced large-scale jubilee celebrations with DIY resources and grassroots events, while the Jamaican government has refused to celebrate, citing the jubilee as a symbol of colonialism and oppression.”

While the article addresses crown colonialism where the Jamaican government refuses to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee, Dr. Ellis fails to include how the Monarchy was removed as Head of State of its former commonwealth dominions by various enactments.

A Special Committee on the British North America Act 1935 and a report titled Constitutional Problems in Canada by Walter Kuhl, an MP for Jasper-Edison delivered in the House of Commons on Nov 9, 1945 both share evidence on the matter.

The special committee and Kuhl’s report cited the 1867 British North America Act and the U.K’s 1931 Statute of Westminster and included testaments of constitutional authorities, law professors from the University of Toronto and Queens University.

These reports concluded that Canada did not become a Federal Union under the BNA Act but only a United Colony. The parliament of Canada did not become the government of Canada much less a federal government. It became merely the central legislature of a united colony to aid the Governor General.

The U.K’s 1931 Statute of Westminster removed the monarchy as head of state of their now former colonies allowing these former dominions to become free independent states. In doing so this Statute also gave up all Lands obtained by Treaties between the U.K Monarchy and the Indigenous which reverted all Crown lands to its original underlying status and title as Indigenous Territories.

Today Canada’s Provinces are unlawfully occupying Indigenous Territories where the Provinces have never made Treaties with the Indigenous Nations. Land Acknowledgements which have come to signify a token gesture of Truth and Reconciliation fail to mention how Canada and it's Provinces have no legitimacy to occupy and benefit from Indigenous Territories. The Canadian Public however are quick to be critical on Russia for the same issues they currently are engaging in.

Other key Enactments that Canadians need education on is the 1893 Statute Law Revision Act; the creation of the Office of the Governor General of Canada, The U.N’s Declaration on Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples and how the 1982 Constitution Act was unlawfully amended.

The 1893 Statute Law Revision Act repealed section 2 of the BNA Act which states: The Provisions of this Act referring to Her Majesty the Queen extend also to the Heirs and Successors of Her Majesty, Kings and Queens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

After the death of Queen Victoria any heir and successor of the Monarchy no longer could be the Executive Power over Canada in relation to the provisions of the BNA Act.

Published in the Canada Gazette on Oct 1947, William Lyon Mackenzie King proclaimed his Letters Patent 1947 that reconstituted the office of the Governor General of Canada. This document was a forgery to make it appear that Canada was still attached to the U.K. No Monarch nor Mackenzie had the legal authority to do this.

The U.N’s Declaration on Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples 1960, foreign rule as a violation of human rights, affirmed the right to self-determination, and called for an end to colonial rule. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights declared that no one shall be held in servitude. Canada is a signatory to this covenant and is entrenched in the Charter of Rights referred as Section 2 (D) Freedom of Association. With Her Majesty unlawfully Head of State of Canada we are being held in servitude.

In 1982 Her Majesty amended the BNA Act which was renamed the 1982 Constitution Act in which this foreign entity of the Crown had no legal and lawful authority to do so.

Any Academic, Educator, Lawyer Indigenous or Non-Indigenous that fails to educate the population on this issue is either complicit to this major international conspiracy or need’s to ask for a refund on their education.



By Johnny Hawke

Five First Nations that are members of the Union of Ontario Indians have signed what Indigenous Academics and Grassroots Collectives call a 'self termination' agreement with the federal government on April 6 2022.

The Union of Ontario Indians a Political Advocacy Group of 39 First Nations represent's itself as the Anishinabek Nation which is also a registered Ontario Corporation subject to Canada's laws that govern corporate entities. The term 'First Nation' like 'partiation' is a neoliberal term invented by the Federal Government at the end of the 1980's to place over the legal term of 'Indian Band' under its genocidal Indian Act.

Twenty-seven years of negotiations have resulted in 6 of the 39 Indian Act Bands of the Union of Ontario Indians, signing a governance agreement with the federal government.

The first ratification votes for the Anishinabek Nations Governance Agreement (ANGA) got underway in February 2020 with 14 Nations taking part. Although the majority of communities have voted against the agreement; the Union of Ontario Indians and Federal Government can still persuade communities to participate in further ratification processes with questionable thresholds in an attempt to push this through.

Of the five Nations that signed the agreement with Canada on April 6 —Moose Deer Point, Wahnapitae, Nipissing, Magnetawan and Zhiibaahaasing—only Moose Deer Point and Wahnapitae ratified the agreement with a first vote in February 2020.

Neither Nipissing nor Magnetawan met the voter threshold for that first vote, although those who did vote were in favour. The voter threshold is 25 per cent of eligible voters plus one. In February 2021, with no threshold required, a straight majority vote for both Nations ratified the ANGA.

Zhiibaahaasing held its vote mid-November to mid-December 2020 and ratified the ANGA the first time around.

The ANGA gives Bands the right to make their own decisions and laws about leadership selection, citizenship, government operations, as well as how best to protect and promote Anishinaabe language and culture.

Once federal legislation is passed to bring the agreement into effect, the parts of the Indian Act that deal with governance will no longer apply to the signatory First Nations.


The 1867 British North America Act was not ratified by the so called Canadian and was only a Private Bill of the U.K to consolidate the colonies as one dominion and not confederate.

The 1893 Statute Revision Act of the U.K prohibits any heirs of the Monarchy after Queen Victoria to rule or have jurisdictions over the dominions.

1931 U.K Statute of Westminster permitted the dominions to become free independent states in which the U.K Monarchy again absolved itself from its former dominions. This means the Crown relinquished all Crown Lands obtained by Treaties with our Nations. All Crowns lands have been reverted back to Indigneous Territories and monies created from our Territories are currently being stolen and withheld and lands unlawfully occupied without Treaty.

The United Nation's 1960 Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples is International Law that abolished colonialism. The U.K Crown has no legal jurisdiction over our Nations our Lands or over the so called Canadian.

The 1982 so called "Patriation" of Canada's Constitution was a sleight of hand an act of fraud. The U.K via Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II had no lawful and legal authority to amend the 1867 BNA Act into the 1982 Constitution Act which is a major international crime; As per the said laws. Canada has no lawful and legal Constitution nor jurisdiction over our Lands or Peoples. Canada is only a corporation; a pirate ship sailing on the sea of admiralty law.

The Union of Ontario Indians or 'Anishinabek Nation Incorporated' is a registered corporation in Ontario governed by Canada's legislation that governs corporations just as Municipalities are. An Indian Band is also a corporate entity as well as is an 'Indian' which has the same legal standing as the Legal Person which are all legally defined as a corporation.

The Indian Act Bands and Union of Ontario Indians (Anishinabek Nation Inc) are not a Nation or the rightful title holders of the Anishinaabek Clan Territories or representatives of Anishinaabek.

These Indians and Indian Act Bands through the Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement give legitimacy by recognizing the unlawful illegal jurisdiction of the Indian Act, Provinces and Federal Government over our Peoples and Lands.

These Indians on Band Council and Chief Organizations claiming to be the Anishinabek Nation are only agents of the corporation of Canada. These Indians are allowing and permitting great frauds and abuses by ratifying such agreements that are 'modern treaties' of Self Termination.

The U.N International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights state no one shall be held in servitude in which is entrenched in Canada's so called charter of rights termed as Freedom of Association. Canada its Courts, and Police are holding our Peoples and its own Citizens in Servitude to Her Majesty where all laws are created where the U.K Monarchy is Head of State which is illegal and unlawful. This ANGA is created to continue to hold such signatories in servitude to Her Majesty or future Monarch and give up our lands and inherit rights to become a municipality aka a corporation.

I am not a well paid Chief, Indigenous Lawyer or Academic with a platform and if I can educate myself to learn and assert the law in my fights in court to have charges withdrawn using said laws when I am charged unlawfully for exercising inherit rights then those who do not address such things may need to go back to school or are complicit to this Self Termination.

The recent trip of Residential School Survivors, and Indian Act Leadership Representatives to the Vatican and future Papal Visit to our Territories is a continuation of this collective Self Termination termed as Reconciliation. Reconciliation is an occult sacrament of the Jesuits that allows them represent God on Earth and to continue wage the same colonial acts on our Peoples but that is a topic for another Post to go further in depth.

These Indian Act Bands and Chief Organizations are also misappropriating Clan Ways and incorporating Clans exemplified in how now the name ANISHINABEK NATION is now incorporated via Union of Ontario Indians.

Happy Easter Weekend. Don't get Crucified.

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