Bii Giiweymin Cooperative
"Bigiiweymiin" means "Returning Home" in Anishinaabemowiin. It helps express our Clans who were removed from our Clan Territories where we are returning to occupy and harvest from our Lands. The Return to our Clan Territories.
Bigiiweymiin Cooperative provides participants to get out on their Territories to harvest wild game, medicines, wild rice, maple sap and also for ceremonies to reconnect with our Clan Territories with skilled and trained facilitators and Elders.
We Partner with Elementary, Secondary and Post Secondary, Alternative Education Programs and Community Organizations to provide tools, training, tipi's and trappers tent for outdoor learning.
Bigiiweymin focusses on Food Security and Food Sovereignty and is working on towards creating a Cooperative to provide our Communities with Traditional Foods all year.
Developed in Participation with LaidLaw Foundation's
Indigenous Youth and Community Futures Fund
Rural Urban Learning Association
We deliver our Camps throughout the Williams Treaty and Robinson Huron Treaty Area in so called Ontario. Please Call and Keep Updated on our Social Media.